Do I need identification to vote?
No! Your signature is your identification to vote First time voters may be asked for ID, such as a driver’s license, lease or utility bill
No! Your signature is your identification to vote First time voters may be asked for ID, such as a driver’s license, lease or utility bill
Meet one of the qualifications: Absent from your county or, if a resident of New York City, absent from the five boroughs on Election Day Unable to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability (temporary illness includes being unable to appear due to risk of contracting or spreading a communicable … Continued
Visit Voter Registration Search site on the NYS Board of Elections website – Call your Suffolk County BOEs (631) 852-4500
Online through NYS Board of Elections website: or NYS Department of Motor Vehicles website: (must have a valid NYS driver’s license, Learner Permit or Non-Driver ID) In-person on any business day at your county Board of Elections (BOEs) or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act (including State University and City … Continued
Daily Non-Resident 2023 Beach Parking Permits for Main Beach Lot 2 and Two Mile Hollow Beach will only be available for purchase online for $50/day May 15 through September 15, on the ParkMobile App from your phone. You may pay for your spot only after you have secured a parking space (no prepayments and no refunds). These are digital … Continued
Per Chapter 77-14B (4) of Village Code, Lot 1 parking at Main Beach is available for Lot 1 Pass Holders who rent lockers (available via waitlist at Village Hall). Village Resident permitted vehicles may park in Lot 1 after 1:00 p.m. Lot 2 parking is available for all Resident and Non-Resident permitted vehicles.
Always swim near a Lifeguard! Lifeguards are on duty from 10:00am to 5:00pm on days protected beaches are open. There are three (3) lifeguard protected beaches in East Hampton Village: Main Beach Georgica Beach Two Mile Hollow Beach
Ask a Lifeguard What is the color of the Beach Flag today? Green Flag – Calm Conditions Yellow Flag – Use Caution Red Flag – Dangerous No Flag – Swimming Prohibited Rip Current Information
Ask a Lifeguard. Green=Calm Yellow=Caution Red=Dangerous No Flag=Swimming Prohibited
The Daily Long Term Parking Lot is located off of Lumber Lane on Google Maps, the lot just West of Herrick Park. This lot is known as Daily Long Term Parking Lot 2. You may park for free for up to 23 hours. Additionally, the Hamptons Circuit is a free shuttle service that can transport … Continued