MIDDLE LANE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION: 9/16 through 10/31 - Weekdays Expect: road closure, delays, change of traffic pattern.

By order of the Superintendent of Public Works, Village of East Hampton

LEAF PICKUP: The  Department of Public Works of the Inc. Village of East Hampton will conduct a leaf pickup program from Monday, October 14, 2024 through Friday December 13, 2024.

Click here for more information.

When is the scheduled 2023 Leaf Pick-Up for the Village of East Hampton?

Annual Leaf Pick-up Program

Pick-Up Timeline: The Department of Public Works of the Inc. Village of East Hampton will conduct a leaf pickup program from Monday, October 9, 2023, through Friday December 8, 2023. Public notice of leaf pick-up appears in the East Hampton Star.

Pick-Up Guidelines: LEAVES ONLY. Any pile that contains household refuse, plastic item, sticks, grass, ornamental grass or branches will NOT be picked up. Piles should be placed along the road shoulder not on any paved part of the roadway. At no time does the village pick up or collect branches or trimmings from trees or bushes.

DO NOT pile leaves around trees, signposts, or fire hydrants.

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