How do I obtain a locker at Main Beach?
Locker permits are issued via a waitlist membership. Contact Sue Dayton 631-324-4150 x110 or for more information.
Locker permits are issued via a waitlist membership. Contact Sue Dayton 631-324-4150 x110 or for more information.
There are fifteen (15) minute parking spaces available at the head of the beach in which no permit is required.
A Town of East Hampton Beach Driving Permit (4×4) is required to drive on the beach (regardless of if the beach is within East Hampton Village or East Hampton Town). This permit can only be obtained at the East Hampton Town Clerks Office. Please call the Town Clerk’s office at 631-324-4142 or for information. No vehicles are … Continued
Per Chapter 77-4N (1) and (2) – No person shall ride, walk or otherwise allow or permit a dog, cat or other animal to be on or upon any beach from May 15 to September 15 of each year, between the hours of 9am and 6pm. At all other times during the period from May … Continued
Public Service Electric & Gas Compnay (PSEG) at 1-800-490-0025
Click here to navigate to their website. 631-369-9829
Click here to navigate to their website. 631-728-9453
Applicants must be 18 years of age, in good health, and a resident of the East Hampton Fire District for at least one year. All applicants undergo a police background check and must be approved by the Trustees of the Village of East Hampton. New members remain on probation for a period of one year … Continued
There is no garbage pick-up in East Hampton Village. Residents of the Village can do either of the following: Purchase a Residential Recycling Permit through the East Hampton Town Clerks Office. Proof of residency is required, call 631-324-4142 for more information. $115 for a primary permit, $40 for a secondary permit. Seniors pay $55 for … Continued