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Archives: FAQs

How do I change my mailing address?

It is the Village Taxpayer’s responsibility to communicate a change of mailing address. Please utilize the Change of Mailing Address Form so that your Tax Bill/Tax Receipt, or other important documents are mailed to the correct address. You may return your completed form to Susan Steckowski via email: or by Mail: 86 Main Street, … Continued

When are East Hampton Village Property Taxes due?

Village taxes are due during the month of August (the village’s fiscal year is August 1st to July 31st). Payment must be received in Village Hall, U.S. postmarked, or paid online, no later than August 31st to avoid penalty. Tax bills are mailed on August first. However, taxes are due even if you do not receive a … Continued

What type of permit do I need for a new driveway?

As provided in Section 250-1 of the East Hampton Village Code, an excavation permit is required when renovating a driveway. This includes a new driveway, the relocation of a driveway, the elimination of a driveway, etc. Please call the Department of Public Works at 631-324-4150, option 4 for more information.

How do I donate a tree in the Village?

The Village accepts donations of trees. To Donate a tree to the Village, please contact the LVIS Tree Committee at 631-324-1220, or visit their website for more information on the Memorial Trees and Plaques.

How do I donate a bench in the Village?

The Village of East Hampton has numerous benches for the public’s enjoyment and many of these have been donated. If you wish to donate a bench, please fill out the Dedication/Memorial Bench Application, also found in The Department of Public Work’s frequently requested forms. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Jill … Continued

What is Stormwater Pollution?

As rain or melting snow flows over roads, driveways and lawns, it can pick up pollutants like motor oil, fertilizers, litter and pet waste. This “stormwater” that is not absorbed and filtered by the ground is not treated and usually flows into a storm drain system or directly into nearby waterbodies. This becomes stormwater pollution … Continued

What is a Residential Knox Box?

A Residential Knox Box is defined as a small, wall-mounted safe that holds keys to a building or home to be utilized by the fire department, emergency medical services, and sometimes the police department to ensure quick access to a building or residence. Residential Knox Boxes reduce forced entry that may cause property damage and … Continued

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