Junior Lifeguard Program
Program Directors
Memorial Day - Labor Day
2025 Village Junior Lifeguard Program
At Main Beach, East Hampton
Saturdays & Sundays from 9:00AM to 11:00AM
JUNE: 21st & 22rd, 28th & 29th
JULY: 5th & 6th, 12th & 13th, 19th & 20th, 26th & 27th
AUGUST: 2nd & 3rd, 9th & 10th, 16th & 17th
All NEW & RETURNING Village Junior Lifeguards are strongly encouraged to pass the RECenter swim test. All Jr’s will be subject to completing an open water swim consisting of a run-swim-run on opening weekend!
Fee: $400 please make all checks payable to Village of East Hampton.
Age Groups (as of 07/01/2023)
Ages: 9, 10 and 11
Ages: 12 & 13
Ages: 14 & 15
15 Year olds ask about the Cadet program. This program will prepare you for your Ocean Lifeguard exam and start of career when you turn 16 (not run through Junior Program).
All Junior Lifeguard Candidates will:
1. Pre-register on the Village of East Hampton’s website.
2. Pay a program fee of $400.
3. Receive a Junior Lifeguard T-Shirt and Rash Guard Shift after the program begins that must be worn during the program.
4. Ocean Swim Test: To properly place the Junior in the appropriate skill level group.
Goals & Objectives of our Program:
1. To have fun while we learn more about ocean safety and water environments.
2. To provide training in open water beach swimming skills.
3. To develop skills in learning to work together as a team.
4. To improve the health and fitness of our youth.
5. To help teach courtesy, respect for authority, discipline, and good sportsmanship.
6. To develop potential lifeguards – if you learn to save others, you also learn how to save yourself!
For the Parents:
1. We need your cooperation and help to make this program a good experience for your child. Encourage your child to do their best and praise their efforts. Get them to each session on time. The program starts at 9:00AM SHARP.
2. If you do not have a Village of East Hampton Parking Sticker, you will receive a Junior Lifeguard sticker allowing you to park in the grass lot at sea spray until 12pm on Saturday and Sundays during the program. If a Parking Violation is given after 12PM, we cannot help you.
3. Bad Weather – Rough Water: The program will run except when it is raining HEAVILY. Rough water provides excellent understanding of the ocean currents. In heavy surf conditions water activities will be restricted. We will increase our land activities
For the Junior Lifeguards:
1. Attendance: Be on time with all your gear. Check in with your group leader as soon as you arrive. Place your gear in the designated area. Personal gear should be marked with your names on it. Must wear Juniors issued T-Shirt/Rashguard.
2. Do not leave the area or your group without telling your lifeguard leader – this includes going to the bathroom, parents picking up early, etc.
3. We will use the “buddy” system in the water. This means stay close to your “buddy”. Talk and encourage each other. Enter and leave the water together. If your “buddy is absent ask your lifeguard leader to get you a temporary replacement for that day.
4. Exhibit attitudes of good sportsmanship in all competitive events. Be honest, fair, and above all have fun as you improve your skills. Encourage and support your fellow Junior Lifeguards.
5. During the week practice the swimming and water skills that you have been taught. Always swim with a “buddy”.
Program Directors:
Chief Lifeguard/Beach Manager Assistant Chief Lifeguard/Assistant Beach Manager
Drew Smith Lee Bertrand