Design Review Board
- To promote those qualities in the environment which retain or bring quality to life as well as material value to the community.
- To foster the attractiveness and functional utility of the community as a place to live and work.
- To preserve the character and quality of our heritage by maintaining the integrity of those areas which have a discernible character or are of special historic significance.
- To protect existing investments in the area.
- To encourage, where appropriate, a mix of uses within permissible use zones.
- To raise the level of community expectations for the quality of its environment.
- To control the exterior color of buildings so as to best promote and protect the above purposes.
- 3rd Tuesday of each month
- Meeting starts at 9:00 a.m.
- For more information, contact Gabrielle McKay at (631) 324-4150 ext. 140 or via email:
- Watch Live:
- Meetings are held at the Emergency Services Building, 1 Cedar Street, East Hampton, New York
Board Members
- Robert D. Caruso - Chair
- Kristin Corwin - Vice-Chair
- C. Sherrill Dayton
- E. Ann Duffey
- Susan F. Davies
- Kathryn Davis
- Heather Barris