Emergency Dispatch
Board Liaison: Mayor Jerry Larsen

Dept. Head
Emergency Operations Center
The East Hampton Village has its own Police, Fire, and EMS Departments. They are all located in the Emergency Services Building at 1 Cedar Street, East Hampton.
The Emergency Services Building also houses an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) which is the Main Coordinating Center for Town-wide emergency and disaster operations. The Town and Village Public Officials and Emergency Service Coordinators work together using this facility to plan, organize and coordinate Emergency Operations on behalf of the public.
Emergency Communications - Dispatch 911
The East Hampton Village Emergency Communications Center dispatches emergency calls to East Hampton Town, Sag Harbor, Springs, Amagansett, and Montauk Fire Departments, and their corresponding EMS Services. It is also the Dispatch Center for the East Hampton Village Police Department and the Sag Harbor Village Police Department.
In the event of an emergency, call 911. Inappropriate calls to 911 may threaten the lives of those truly in need of emergency services. Call 911 only in the event of a serious emergency. For all other matters, call the Police Department Non-Emergency at (631) 324-0777. The Fire Department can be reached at (631) 324-0124 and the Ambulance at (631) 907-8155.