Dept. of Public Works
Board Liaison: Trustee Sandra Melendez Esq.

Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
The Village of East Hampton Department of Public Works maintains property owned by the Village.
It provides services for the well-being and convenience of Village Residents. It maintains all code enforcement, fire, police and public works vehicles and equipment.
Pick-Up Timeline: The Department of Public Works of the Inc. Village of East Hampton will conduct a leaf pickup program from Monday, October 14, 2024, through Monday, December 16, 2024. Last day to put out leaves is Sunday, December 15, 2024. Public notice of leaf pick-up appears in the East Hampton Star.
Monday, December 16, 2024: Final pickups will take place starting from the West Side of the Village to the East side. Once a street has been cleaned, no further collections will be made, and leaves deposited thereafter are the responsibility of the homeowner to remove.
Pick-Up Guidelines: Any pile that contains household refuse, plastic item, sticks, grass, ornamental grass or branches will NOT be picked up. Piles should be placed along the road shoulder not on any paved part of the roadway. At no time does the village pick up or collect branches or trimmings from trees or bushes.
DO NOT pile leaves around trees, signposts, or fire hydrants.
The Village installs and maintains sidewalks, curbs, streets, and trees.
The Village does not install and maintain the following:
- Cable Lines
- Electric Lines
- Facilities for Sewage
- Telephone Lines
- Water Lines
If you have a problem or question pertaining to these public utilities, call the respective utility company.
The Department of Public Works is responsible for snow removal and deicing roads and sidewalks in the Village. This department does its best to keep all roads clear. Residents clearing driveways and walkways should place snow to the side that is in the direction of traffic flow, which will help keep the snow from being plowed back into driveways.
The Village requires all persons who plan on digging, excavating, or constructing either in the roadway or along the side of the roadway (highway right-of-way) to fill out an excavation permit application. This includes the excavation of a driveway.
- 250-1. Permit required for excavation and construction. [Added 7-31-19741 ] No person, firm or corporation, including public service and utility companies and municipal districts, shall make any excavation in any Village street, highway or sidewalk or construct any sidewalk or curb or make any curb cut along any such street or highway in the Incorporated Village of East Hampton for any purpose without first obtaining a permit from the Superintendent of Highways of the Incorporated Village of East Hampton.
The Village owns the streets in the Village. However, streets are wider than the paved portion of the street. The Village owns the land on either side of the paved portion of the street, known as the right of way. Many residents mistakenly believe that their property begins on the edge of the street. How much land the Village owns on either side of the paved portion of the street varies for each property, please check your survey for more information.
If you are landscaping your property, call the Department of Public Works at 631-324-4150 X 4 to determine where the Village property ends and your property begins. The Village prohibits obstructions, such as shrubbery, hedges, trees, vegetations, rock walls and fences that interfere with the passage of vehicles or with the vision of motorists. The Village reserves the right to remove such obstructions within the right of way at the owner's expense.
View which streets are Public and which are Private here.
Placing obstructions of any kind within the Village Highway right of way is prohibited per EHV code section 250.10.
Maintaining a clear right of way is a safety concern. Encumbering the right of way with objects prevents motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists from safely exiting the roadways without injury or property damage in the event of an emergency.
The Department of Public Works and the Building Department work together to analyze any obstructions of the right of way on a given property, whether planted or non-conforming, prior to new permits, or certificates of occupancy are issued.
Obstructions prohibited include but are not limited to stakes of any kind, posts, plants, rocks, ropes, concrete blocks, fencing, walls, security cameras, furniture, trash cans, irrigation, etc.
DPW is allowing two (2) temporary winter plow markers to be placed at driveway entrances starting November 1st through no later than March 31st.
What is Stormwater Pollution?
As rain or melting snow flows over roads, driveways and lawns, it can pick up pollutants like motor oil, fertilizers, litter and pet waste. This "stormwater" that is not absorbed and filtered by the ground is not treated and usually flows into a storm drain system or directly into nearby waterbodies. This becomes stormwater pollution and can be harmful to aquatic life and create human health risks.
Storm Water & Pollution Prevention (PDF)
Where does rainwater go? (Flyer)