MIDDLE LANE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION: 9/16 through 10/31 - Weekdays Expect: road closure, delays, change of traffic pattern.

By order of the Superintendent of Public Works, Village of East Hampton

LEAF PICKUP: The  Department of Public Works of the Inc. Village of East Hampton will conduct a leaf pickup program from Monday, October 14, 2024 through Friday December 13, 2024.

Click here for more information.

Beach Rules


The Village uses a color flag system to indicate surf and swimming conditions:Jet Ski

  • Green Flag – Calm Conditions
  • Yellow Flag – Use Caution
  • Red Flag – Dangerous
  • No Flag – Swimming Prohibited



A Town of East Hampton permit is required to drive on the beach. Please call the Town Clerk’s office at 631-324-4142 or www.ehamptonny.gov for information.

No vehicles are permitted on Village beaches between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from May 15th through September 15th. It is the responsibility of the driver to know all restrictions governing beach driving. The Village actively patrols beaches and strictly enforces regulations.



A Special Event Permit is required for certain beach parties and events. Go to Forms & Permits to download our Special Event Permit application.

Any event that is catered (regardless of number of people) requires a permit.

If the event is a catered event, the caterer is required to have an Annual Catering License for events held on public property.

Questions: Call Sue Dayton 631-324-4150 x100 or email sdayton@easthamptonvillage.org.



Fires are not allowed on the beach between the hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

All fires must be contained in a metal container and all wood remains must be removed.

Firewood is the only fuel allowed for beach fires. Use of construction materials in beach fires is prohibited by law.

Any person or persons igniting a fire shall be responsible for any resulting damages to property or persons.

Fire Locations / Size

Fires shall not be started or maintained less than fifty (50) feet from any beach grass, vegetation, tent or fence; nor less than one hundred (100) feet from any building or permanent structure; nor within two hundred (200) feet of any posted water-bird nesting colony.

No fire shall be greater than two (2) feet in any dimension, including flame. A fire of greater dimension is considered a Bon Fire. An unauthorized bon fire will result in the immediate issuance of a citation.

Fires shall be in constant watch and shall not be left unattended. No fire shall be kindled or maintained if the prevailing wind velocity exceeds fifteen (15) miles per hour.

Extinguishing a Fire

Fires shall be extinguished with water. Fires shall not be buried with sand so as to conceal remaining debris. People walking and jogging along the beach have been injured from stepping, unknowingly, on the remains of buried beach fires thought to have been extinguished. Use as many buckets of water as necessary to thoroughly and completely extinguish your fire.

Prohibiting a Fire

The Code Enforcement Officer may prohibit fires when unusually dry condition exists or whenever other atmospheric or local circumstances may such fire hazards.



Dogs and other animals are not permitted on the beach between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily from May 15th through September 15th. At all other times during the period from May 15th through September 15th each year, dogs must be manually restrained on a leash within areas that are within 300 feet of any road end along the beaches.


Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets and keeping them under control. Plastic bags for clean-up are conveniently provided at the entrance to each village beach. The Village actively patrols beaches and strictly enforces regulations.



Village beaches are among the most renowned and beautiful in the world. Beach users are required to keep the part of the beach they use clean. Litter must be deposited in refuse baskets provided in convenient locations. Violators are subject to substantial fines. Encourage your neighbors on the beach to keep the beach clean.

Many visitors to the village abuse our hospitality by littering. Littering despoils the village’s renowned beauty and is costly to taxpayers. Hours of weekly cleanup adds to the work schedule of the department of public works. Residents and visitors are asked to cooperate in the effort to keep the village free of litter.

Village Litter Law Violations

Chapter 246 of the Village Code

Household refuse is not allowed in public trash receptacles. Violators of the Village litter laws are subject to substantial fines. The Village of East Hampton is one of the most beautiful in the country. Make sure you do your part to keep it that way.


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