To learn more about the Village’s Comprehensive Plan Update:  CLICK HERE

Purchase Non-Resident Beach Permit Here!

Beach Parties


Special Event Permit Application (PDF) issued by the Village is required for certain parties or events on the beach. Any event that is professionally catered (regardless of number of people attending) requires a permit.

Open containers containing alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited on beaches located in East Hampton Village.

Please see Chapter 77-relating to rules for the Main Beach Pavilion. Main Beach Pavilion Rules



Fires are not allowed on the beach between the hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

All fires must be contained in a metal container and all wood remains must be removed.

Firewood is the only fuel allowed for beach fires. Use of construction materials in beach fires is prohibited by law.

Any person or persons igniting a fire shall be responsible for any resulting damages to property or persons.

Fire Locations / Size

Fires shall not be started or maintained less than fifty (50) feet from any beach grass, vegetation, tent or fence; nor less than one hundred (100) feet from any building or permanent structure; nor within two hundred (200) feet of any posted water-bird nesting colony.

No fire shall be greater than two (2) feet in any dimension, including flame. A fire of greater dimension is considered a Bon Fire. An unauthorized bon fire will result in the immediate issuance of a citation.

Fires shall be in constant watch and shall not be left unattended. No fire shall be kindled or maintained if the prevailing wind velocity exceeds fifteen (15) miles per hour.

Extinguishing a Fire

Fires shall be extinguished with water. Fires shall not be buried with sand so as to conceal remaining debris. People walking and jogging along the beach have been injured from stepping, unknowingly, on the remains of buried beach fires thought to have been extinguished. Use as many buckets of water as necessary to thoroughly and completely extinguish your fire.

Prohibiting a Fire

The Code Enforcement Officer may prohibit fires when unusually dry condition exists or whenever other atmospheric or local circumstances may such fire hazards.

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